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Charterhouse Square School

This major scheme for Charterhouse Square School consisted of the phased remodelling and refurbishment of an existing 5- storey building and expansion into neighbouring properties within the Charterhouse Square Conservation Area overlooking Barbican Underground Station.

Charterhouse Square School
Charterhouse Square School

Close liaison was required throughout the project with The City of London and London Underground to obtain approval for the change of use, window replacement and brick façade repairs, all structural works and the new roof terrace including the roof screening and plant enclosure. There was no access from the Barbican Station south side so the design and construction had to take this major constraint into account.

The project has facilitated expansion of the existing school from 1FE to 2FE, whilst also allowing them to reduce class sizes, enable provision of wrap-around care and maximise outdoor spaces by providing a new roof terrace and rear patios.

The design provides the school with a welcoming and inspiring main entrance and three storey atrium space on the corner of No33 with an open feature stair and central glazed lift providing DDA access to all levels including the new roof terrace. Two separate pupil entrances have also been formed which provide secure drop off and pick up points.

The project was carried out in three principal phases within the context of a live nursery and primary school. Phase 1 involved obtaining a change of use and remodelling the existing office floors from first to third floor in No38-39 and connecting them horizontally with the existing school at No40. Phase 2 remodelled the vacant No33-37 building at all floor levels including forming the new school main entrance, adding a lift and forming connections with No39 at each level. Phase 3 involved going back into the original school building at No40 and carrying out the final remodelling and refurbishment of various spaces and removing the stair to maximise teaching spaces.


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